Hi there,
My brother is a furniture maker.
He was telling me about a young work experience student who had been shadowing him recently; he’d really enjoyed having them around.
He told me how they had been persistent in joining despite my brother having to cancel a number of times, how they showed genuine interest in the craft, that they were punctual, polite, and had even gifted him a card and bottle of wine after their time with him.
This student had clearly left a lasting impression and, as a result, my brother was happy to go out of his way to help them out.
I contrasted this to a student I had following me when I worked on ITU.
They showed little interest in being invited to watch a critical procedure, gave a cynical attitude when spoken to, and left early before the day was over. The consultant who had gone out of his way to deliver personalised bedside teaching was disappointed to say the least.
No matter what field, being a good student is a skill. It also accelerates your learning and opportunities, as others are pleased and eager to help.
People who are good at a craft, generally, find great satisfaction in mentoring others.
If you can hone the skills of a good mentee, you gain access to years of expertise and experience.
Being prematurely cynical only kneecaps your progress before you’ve barely begun.
Subjugate the ego to being a pleasure to teach and you can open doors.